Celebrities on the Red Carpet Academy Awards 2011, Sandra Bullock look beautiful with the red dress
A row of famous celebrities present at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles on Sunday (02/27/2011) evening local time. Before the event started, these celebrities could pose as it passes through the red carpet
When you think of managing blood sugar, odds are you obsess over everything you can't have. While it's certainly important to limit no-no ingredients (like white, refined breads and pastas and fried, fatty, processed foods), it's just as crucial to pay attention to what you should eat. We suggest you start here.
Numerous nutrition and diabetes experts singled out these power foods because 1) they're packed with the 4 healthy nutrients (fiber, omega-3s, calcium, and vitamin D) that make up Prevention's Diabetes DTOUR Diet, and 2) they're exceptionally versatile, so you can use them in recipes, as add-ons to meals, or stand-alone snacks.
Lower your blood sugar and fight belly fat with this 5-week meal plan.

1. Beans
Beans have more to boast about than being high in fiber (plant compounds that help you feel full, steady blood sugar, and even lower cholesterol; a half cup of black beans delivers more than 7 grams). They're a not-too-shabby source of calcium, a mineral that research shows can help burn body fat. In ½ cup of white beans, you'll get almost 100 mg of calcium—about 10% of your daily intake. Beans also make an excellent protein source; unlike other proteins Americans commonly eat (such as red meat), beans are low in saturated fat—the kind that gunks up arteries and can lead to heart disease.
2. Lose Weight With the Biggest Loser
3. 100 Ways to Look Younger
4. 7 Winter Cold & Flu Myths
5. Fight Diabetes With Food
Beans have more to boast about than being high in fiber (plant compounds that help you feel full, steady blood sugar, and even lower cholesterol; a half cup of black beans delivers more than 7 grams). They're a not-too-shabby source of calcium, a mineral that research shows can help burn body fat. In ½ cup of white beans, you'll get almost 100 mg of calcium—about 10% of your daily intake. Beans also make an excellent protein source; unlike other proteins Americans commonly eat (such as red meat), beans are low in saturated fat—the kind that gunks up arteries and can lead to heart disease.
2. Lose Weight With the Biggest Loser
3. 100 Ways to Look Younger
4. 7 Winter Cold & Flu Myths
5. Fight Diabetes With Food
How to eat them: Add them to salads, soups, chili, and more. There are so many different kinds of beans, you could conceivably have them every day for a week and not eat the same kind twice.
2. Dairy
You're not going to find a better source of calcium and vitamin D—a potent diabetes-quelling combination—than in dairy foods like milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt. One study found that women who consumed more than 1,200 mg of calcium and more than 800 IU of vitamin D a day were 33% less likely to develop diabetes than those taking in less of both nutrients.
You can get these nutrients from other foods, but none combine them like dairy does. Stick to fat-free or low-fat versions of your favorite dairy foods—"regular" has a lot of saturated fat.
You're not going to find a better source of calcium and vitamin D—a potent diabetes-quelling combination—than in dairy foods like milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt. One study found that women who consumed more than 1,200 mg of calcium and more than 800 IU of vitamin D a day were 33% less likely to develop diabetes than those taking in less of both nutrients.
You can get these nutrients from other foods, but none combine them like dairy does. Stick to fat-free or low-fat versions of your favorite dairy foods—"regular" has a lot of saturated fat.
Meet the DTOUR Diet fat-fighting 4 super nutrients.
How to eat it: Drink milk with some meals instead of soda or sugary juices, have yogurt or cottage cheese as a snack or dessert, and use milk to make oatmeal or thicken certain soups.
3. Salmon
Nutritionists can't recommend this seriously healthy fish enough. It's a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids (3 ounces provides as much as 1,800 mg), healthy fats that reduce the risk of heart disease, whittle your waistline, reduce inflammation, and improve insulin resistance. Salmon is also one of the best nondairy sources of vitamin D around.
Nutritionists can't recommend this seriously healthy fish enough. It's a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids (3 ounces provides as much as 1,800 mg), healthy fats that reduce the risk of heart disease, whittle your waistline, reduce inflammation, and improve insulin resistance. Salmon is also one of the best nondairy sources of vitamin D around.
How to get it: Sauté a salmon fillet for dinner instead of chicken or meat once or twice a week (it's easy to season and toss in the oven), or add canned salmon to salads or omelets.
4. Tuna
Another amazingly healthy fish, a 3-ounce piece of tuna contains 1,300 mg of omega-3s and a respectable amount of vitamin D to boot. But tuna can be high in mercury, a compound that may cause neurological problems in huge doses.
Another amazingly healthy fish, a 3-ounce piece of tuna contains 1,300 mg of omega-3s and a respectable amount of vitamin D to boot. But tuna can be high in mercury, a compound that may cause neurological problems in huge doses.
To be safe, buy canned light tuna instead of albacore and limit your tuna intake to 12 ounces a week.
How to eat it: Make tuna salad sandwiches, pile on whole wheat crackers as a snack, or throw steaks on the grill instead of burgers.
5. Barley
One of the healthiest grains you're probably not eating, barley is rich in a specific kind of soluble fiber called beta-glucan. Research shows beta-glucan can lower total and LDL cholesterol by preventing your body's ability to absorb it; one review found that consuming just 3 grams a day—about the amount in a single barley serving—can lower cholesterol by 8%.
One of the healthiest grains you're probably not eating, barley is rich in a specific kind of soluble fiber called beta-glucan. Research shows beta-glucan can lower total and LDL cholesterol by preventing your body's ability to absorb it; one review found that consuming just 3 grams a day—about the amount in a single barley serving—can lower cholesterol by 8%.
Thanks to its fiber abundance, barley can also help steady your blood sugar while filling you up—a weight loss bonus. The grain even boasts a modest amount of calcium.
How to eat it: Look for hulled barley, which isn't as refined as the pearl barley that supermarkets typically carry (you may need to visit a health food store). Soak it overnight before cooking, then add to soups, stews, or rice pilaf.
6. Oats
Like barley and beans, oats are a diabetes power food because of their fiber content—a half cup of instant oats provides 4 g. Research shows that oat lovers can also lower total and "bad" LDL cholesterol and improve insulin resistance. All the soluble fiber oats contain slows the rate at which your body can break down and absorb carbohydrates, which means your blood sugar levels stay stable.
Like barley and beans, oats are a diabetes power food because of their fiber content—a half cup of instant oats provides 4 g. Research shows that oat lovers can also lower total and "bad" LDL cholesterol and improve insulin resistance. All the soluble fiber oats contain slows the rate at which your body can break down and absorb carbohydrates, which means your blood sugar levels stay stable.
How to eat them: The easiest way is straight from your cereal bowl, but you can also sneak oats into all kinds of recipes, from pancakes to meat loaf to cookies.
7. Berries
Berries are nature's candy—but unlike sugary confections from the checkout aisle, they're loaded with fiber and antioxidants called polyphenols. A cup of blackberries supplies 7.6 g of fiber; blueberries contain 3.5 g. Berries' antioxidants are also good for your ticker: One 2008 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with heart disease risk factors who ate berries for 8 weeks had a drop in blood pressure and a boost in "good" HDL cholesterol.
Berries are nature's candy—but unlike sugary confections from the checkout aisle, they're loaded with fiber and antioxidants called polyphenols. A cup of blackberries supplies 7.6 g of fiber; blueberries contain 3.5 g. Berries' antioxidants are also good for your ticker: One 2008 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with heart disease risk factors who ate berries for 8 weeks had a drop in blood pressure and a boost in "good" HDL cholesterol.
Basically every person has what is called the power within, just that they do not know how to raise or develop it. Workers in that has existed since human beings are born. But power was still passive and at times will rise if the person is in a state of panic, sleep walking, hypnotized or extraordinary fear.
Humans have a chemical element in the body (Body Chemistry) called ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate). ATP can be turned into energy through the body's metabolic processes. In simple terms can be written as follows:
O2 + ATP + Glycogen Energy
ATP serves as energy reserve. For example, after you exercise and tired then rested for a moment when the body will recover. The energy generated by ATP in a state of everyday form of body heat, helping to smooth the distribution of adrenaline, turn on the chemistry of the body to form the immune system (antibodies), turn on the digestive activity and turn on all the activities of the organs in the human body. Based on the research, people in everyday life is only about 2.5% of whole body energy facilities. 97.5% while the other is hidden as a backup in the solar plexus.
The problem is how you can optimize and generate energy that is stored for use in everyday life. Man if it is able to increase its strength by 0.1 to 0.3% (to become 2.6 to 2.8%) can kill a horse in a single blow or to break the five stacked steel rod miser, breaking the stone was not an obstacle for which has the power within.
Power or energy in an energy reserve is centered on the nerves around the pit of the stomach and once raised will come together on one body part is called the solar plexus or kundalini. According to various sources, kundalini is a part of the human body in the form of 31 / 2 circle, there are between the tail and the pubic bone below the navel. Shaped like a snake that is coiled or looped. So in this case needs to be explained that the source of energy in the solar plexus, solar plexus not like the opinion of those so far. Whereas the solar plexus is the gathering place of energy reserves after resurrected.
The only way is by changing the normal breathing into special breathing, by optimizing oxygen intake should not be wasted while the other part must be balanced. To boost energy reserves quickly, oxygen must also rotate rapidly around the body and dispose of toxic gases CO2 rapidly. Therefore, when disposing of the body must dikejangkan breath. With pengejangan body, oxygen will form a vortex of spinning energy that the body absorbs all the energy in the scattered and hidden. While the disposal of toxic gases is done by removing the breath through the mouth. If those two things are done then the oxygen that revolve oxygen in your body is clean with no CO2. This is one secret, too, why people who study power in correctly is always healthy and rarely sick.
The function of the power within;
1. Physical power becomes much stronger
2. To sharpen the senses.
3. To awaken the sixth sense.
4. To crush hard objects.
5. To lighten the body.
6. To strengthen the brain's memory.
7. To promote health and body resistance against physical attack and attack the disease.
8. To strengthen the weak body.
9. To Telekinetik / move objects from a distance
2. To sharpen the senses.
3. To awaken the sixth sense.
4. To crush hard objects.
5. To lighten the body.
6. To strengthen the brain's memory.
7. To promote health and body resistance against physical attack and attack the disease.
8. To strengthen the weak body.
9. To Telekinetik / move objects from a distance
With the NFL lockout in full swing, John Elway must really be bored.
Somehow Elway -- the Denver Broncos vice president and Hall-of-Fame quarterback -- became aware of the Fort Collins, Colo., punk band "Elway," and decided he's just not cool with the group using his surname.
The Broncos legend’s lawyer has requested that the band change its name, but stopped short of suing or issuing a cease and desist order.
The band, to its credit, was mostly amused. In a statement released via punknews.org, the band acknowledged the letter and suggested Elway had better things to do in the wake of the Broncos' disastrous 2010 season.
"We have no intention of changing the name again. We love the name, regardless of what connotations are inferred by the listener. Surely, if the Dead Kennedys could become one of punk's most popular bands without incurring litigation, Elway can keep their moniker and continue making so-so music for our dozens of fans to enjoy."
Score a point for Elway -- the band, that is. And now the group has now received more press than it ever would have had Elway minded his own business. There have to be quite a few people perusing the band's MySpace site, rocking out to songs like "Wolf Shirt," which to be honest, isn't a bad little jam.
Anyway, it's better than anything Elway or his team have produced in the last year. Maybe he's jealous.
Courtesy of Byron Louie of Remedie Studio: A photo a day of Dunder the German shepherd.Now Playing | Up Next | Mon, May 23, 2011 3:01 AM EDT | 0:44 | 1,742,100 views | Courtesy of Byron Louie of Remedie Studio: www.mkiosonline.info A photo a day of Dunder the German shepherd. | Now Playing | Up Next | Thu, May 26, 2011 3:00 AM EDT | 0:38 | 901,478 views | Kenner Galeas of the Arlington Soccer Association club team scores on a bicycle kick against the U-14 Civitans Bengals
As a tornado tore his Joplin, Mo., home apart, Don Lansaw did what came naturally: He threw himself on top of his wife Bethany to protect her. And in doing so, he gave his life for her.
Lansaw's is just one of several tales of heroism, heartbreak, and amazing escapes that have emerged from the spate of violent weather events that swept the center of the country this week. As many as 125 people are thought to have been killed by the Joplin tornado alone.
"The house was ripping apart, it all happened so fast," Bethany Lansaw told NBC News. "All the pillows were flying off of us, the only thing I managed to do was keep one in front of my face."
You can watch the report on Don Lansaw's heroic sacrifice in this video
Once the wind died down, Bethany recounted, she looked over to see that her husband was turning blue. He died before she could find an ambulance to get him to the hospital.
Once the wind died down, Bethany recounted, she looked over to see that her husband was turning blue. He died before she could find an ambulance to get him to the hospital.
Don, 31, was a former high-school football star, and owned a machine shop. Bethany, 25, worked at a local university. The couple had been married six years and planned to start a family.
"You know, people kept saying he wouldn't have wanted it any other way, but if I could have taken twice as much damage just to have him alive, I would have," Bethany said.
"He did what he could to protect his family," she added. "He's my hero."
Also in Joplin, Will Norton was driving home from his graduation ceremony with his dad when the tornado struck. Norton, 18, looked to have a bright future: A YouTube channel he created called "Wildabeast," in which he posted comedy routines, had almost 1.5 million hits:
As the Hummer H3 started to flip, Norton's seat-belt snapped, and he went flying through the roof of the vehicle, as his dad tried in vain to catch him. Afterward, the only trace of him was his cellphone and graduation cap.
As the Hummer H3 started to flip, Norton's seat-belt snapped, and he went flying through the roof of the vehicle, as his dad tried in vain to catch him. Afterward, the only trace of him was his cellphone and graduation cap.
Meanwhile, in Oklahoma's Canadian County, Hank Hamil cried at a news conference after his 3-year old son Ryan was found dead, floating in a lake. Hamil's other son, 15-month old Cole, was also killed by Tuesday night's violent storm.
"I lost both of my boys," Hamil said through tears. "Ryan was my little buddy. Cole was too. I loved them both." You can watch the report on the Hamil's tragic loss here
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